

考试吧>四 六 级>2022英语四级考试答案>正文
考试吧 2020-11-09 17:06:17 评论(0)条




  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on online dictionary. You can start your essay with the sentence "Online dictionaries are becoming increasingly popular. " You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the PowerPoint(PPT). You can start your essay with the sentence "The use of PowerPoint are becoming increasingly popular in class. " You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on online libraries. You can start your essay with the sentence "Online libraries are becoming increasingly popular." You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

  Part II

  Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and questions will be spoken only once. After you hear questions, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.


  Questions 1 to 2 are based on the new report you have just heard.

  1.A) Warm currents in the ocean

  B) Ship traffic in the Atlantic

  C) Particles emitted by power plants

  D) Exhaust from cars in Europe

  2.A) They need to be taken seriously

  B) They have a huge effect on fishery

  C) They may be affecting the world’s climate

  D) They might be causing trouble to air flights

  Questions 3 to 4 are based on the new report you have just heard。

  3.A) To appeal for higher wages

  B) To demand better health care

  C) To dismiss the bad-tempered supervisor

  D) To call for a permanent security guard

  4.A) It was seeking help from the police.

  B) It would put customers’ needs first

  C) It had already taken strong action

  D) It would take their appeal seriously

  Questions 5 to 7 are based on the new report you have just heard.

  5.A) The road was blocked

  B) The road was flooded

  C) The road was frozen with snow

  D) The road was covered with spilled gas

  6.A) A truck hit a barrier and overturned

  B) The truck driver dozed off while driving

  C) The heavy snow made driving very difficult

  D) A truck plunged into a pool of liquid chocolate

  7. A) It was fortunate that no passenger got injured

  B) It was a hard task to remove the spilled substance

  C) It was a long time before the cleanup was finished

  D) It was difficult to contact the manufacturer.

  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  8.A) She found it much safer to use cash

  B) She could enjoy discounts with cash

  C) She wanted to save for a new phone

  D) She bad been cheated using phone

  9.A) They derive greater pleasure from buying things.

  B) They are less aware of the value of their money.

  C) They find it less difficult to make purchases.

  D) They can save a lot more time and trouble.

  10.A) More valuable items.

  B) Electronic devices.

  C) Everyday necessities.

  D) More non-essential things

  11.A) It may lead to excessive spending.

  B) It is altering the way of shopping.

  C) It can improve shopping efficiency.

  D) It appeals more to younger people.

  Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  12.A) He wanted the furniture store to give him a refund.

  B) He had a problem with the furniture delivered.

  C) He had to change the furniture delivery time.

  D) He wanted to order some wooden furniture.

  13.A) Send the furniture back to the store.

  B) Buy another brand of furniture.

  C) Collect the furniture he ordered.

  D) Describe the furniture he received.

  14.A) Improve their service

  B) Apologize to his wife

  C) Correct their mistake

  D) Give the money back

  15.A) She recommended a new style

  B) She decided all the items with the man

  C) She offered some gift to the man

  D) She apologized to the man once more

  Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  16.A) Tidying up one’s home

  B) Reading books of wisdom

  C) Donating to charity

  D) Sharing with others

  17.A) Things that occupy little space

  B) Things that are becoming rare

  C) Things that make one happy

  D) Things that cost a lot of money

  18.A) It did little business because of the unusual cold weather

  B) It received an incredibly large number of donated books

  C) It sold as many as fifty boxes of books

  D) It joined the city’s clean-up campaign

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  19.A) Give free meals to the homeless

  B) Provide shelter for the homeless

  C) Call for change in the local government

  D) Help the vulnerable to cook lunches

  20.A) Promote understanding

  B) Strengthen co-operation

  C) Follow his example

  D) Win national support

  21.A) Spreading news of his deeds

  B) Sending him hand-made bags

  C) Following the example he sets

  D) Writing him thank-you notes

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  22.A) To install some audio equipment in a lab

  B) To test their eyesight using a phone app

  C) To send smartphone messages

  D) To solve word search puzzles

  23.A) They could no longer concentrate on their task

  B) They could not go on until the ringing stopped

  C) They grabbed the phone and called back right away

  D) They asked their experimenter to hung up the phone

  24.A) A decline in sports activities

  B) A rise in emotional problems

  C) A decline in academic performance

  D) A reduction in the amount of sleep

  25.A) Ensure they have sufficient sleep every day

  B) Realize the disruptive effects of technology

  C) Take effective measures to raise productivity

  D) Protect the eyesight of the younger generation

  Part III Reading Comprehension

  Section A

  26. [I] normal

  27. [E] definitely

  28. [D] considerable

  29. [J] possibly

  30. [B] argued

  31. [K] proposition

  32. [N] tend

  33. [C] avoid

  34. [F] extreme

  35. [G] inaction

  解析:第26题可能会在[I] normal和[F] extreme之间犹豫,但根据第一段最后一句”… unable or unprepared to endure the long haul.” 可以看出投资领域本就是有涨有落的拉锯战,是再正常不过的行为,没有体现出extreme即剧烈的含义,考试时容易主观代入。

  34题根据前面的go to the other可以判断后面要选一个名词,而extreme也可以作名词;再根据前文的一种模式是”put their head in the sand 避而不谈”, 后面走向了另一种极端模式就是micro-analyze everything, 锱铢必较过度分析,也可以得出extreme这个答案。

  35题的答案,词汇不太常见,根据词性判断此处要填一个名词,后面写到“whatever decision they make will be the wrong one.” 不管做什么决定最终都没有实际结果,就是一种无所为的状态,排除其他名词可以得出inaction.

  Section B

  36. [H] Another playtime thief: the growing proportion of kids’ time spent in front of screens and digital devices.

  37. [E] The focus on academic “skills and drills” has cut deeply into recess and other time for free play.

  38. [] 缺失原文和选项

  39. [G] a consortium of educators, health professionals and child advocates called the loss of play in early childhood “a tragedy, both for the children themselves and for our nation and world.”

  40. [D] When parents engage in play with their children, it deepens relationships and builds a bulwark against the toxic effects of all kinds of stress.

  41. [I] And kids really learn better when they’re actively engaged and have to really discover things.

  42. [C] letting them simply play — or better yet, playing with them — could seem like a step backward.

  43. [K] Yogman also worries about the pressures that squeeze playtime for more affluent kids.

  44. [F] By 2009, a study of Los Angeles kindergarten classrooms found that 5-year-olds were so burdened with academic requirements that they were down to an average of just 19 minutes per day of “choice time,” when they were permitted to play freely with blocks, toys or other children.

  45. [B] This may seem old-fashioned,but there are skills to be leaned when kids aren’t told what to do.


  36题的选项中出现了steals away, 可以根据H段的首句playtime thief以及digital devices定位得出。

  39题干中剥夺小孩的玩耍时间will do harm to not only…与G段中一些专家们认为玩耍时间的缺失是一种tragedy悲剧,both for children themselves and for our nation and world. 正好吻合,做一个同义替换,把country换成了nation.

  40题干中说from being harmed by stress与D段中builds a bulwark against the toxic effects of all kinds of stress匹配,bulwark即便不认识,可以通过against判断要反对的是不好的事物,toxic effects就是不好消极的结果和影响。

  41题干中的关键词active discovery,主动探索能力会因为过度使用电子设备而被抑制和减损,对应I段让家长们让孩子们玩手机固然一劳永逸,但是有代价的,kids really learn better when…,玩耍的时间才能让孩子们更主动积极地去思考和探索。

  Section C

  Passage One

  46. [D] Attempting to meet society’s expectation of appearance.

  47. [B] They have to do with people’s body weight and shape.

  48. [C] It did not work out as well as was expected.

  49. [B] Adjusting the physical composition of their products.

  50. [A] A Banning discrimination on the basis of employee' body image.


  46题A选项跟第一段中的美国人想要change their weight的信息混淆了,张冠李戴;要忠实于原文;C项偷换概念了;B中提到的life style在文中也并未提及。

  47题的C选项夸大了程度副词,文中是a less noticeable one而不是a much less one. A和D均为无中生有。

  Passage Two

  51. [D] The concept of work-life balance contributes little to a fulfilling life.

  52. [A] It impacts how we think and behave.

  53. [C] We do meaningful work that contributes to society.

  54. [C] it is dynamic.

  55. [D] Strive for a more fulfilling life.


  51题的A和C选项过于绝对,B并不是The work-life balance is dead观点的论据。

  54题对应第三段最后一句中的variations, evolving and changing判断出作者认为人生就是充满变数和多样性的。A和D选项比较容易排除,但是B选项在文中多次出现容易混淆视听,比如第二段最后一句,But when you think of work as part of a full life and a complete experience中出现的full life会有误导性,但此处还是在讲work作为人生的一个部分,和作者对于人生的观点无关。










  茶拥有5000年的历史。传说,神农氏( Shen Nong)喝开水时,几片野树叶子落进壶里开水顿时散发出宜人的香味。他喝了几口,觉得很提神。茶就这样发现了。


  今天,茶不仅是一种健康的饮品,而且是中国文化的一个组成部分。越来越多的国际游客一边品茶, 一边了解中国文化。



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