

海天教育 2011-01-15 23:42:36 评论(0)条





  Part A


  Write a letter to a friend of yours to

  1) recommend one of your favorite movies and

  2) give reasons for your recommendation

  You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET2.

  Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter.Use”Li Ming”instead.

  Do not write the address.(10 poinr)


Dear my friend,

  I’m writing to you to recommend one of my favorite movies 'Avatar'.

  The movie is directed by James Cameron, who is famous with product Titanic. The story is about immigration to planet Pandora, and what happened with local NA'VI. The film is such a wonder that I thought it is well worth watching in one's whole life. 'Avatar' is not just a film about the love story between a 'human' and a NA'VI princess, but also a educational file. From the movie we learned that we must live in harmony with the nature. Therefore I do not hesitate to recommend this movie to you. I am sure you will enjoy the movie.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming

  Part B


  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing.In your essay,you should

  1) describe the drawing briefly.

  2) explain its ntended meaning,and

  3) give your comments.

  You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20 points)



  What a terrible and shocking scene it is! As is vividly depicted in the drawing above, sitting on the boat and enjoying their sightseeing, a couple of youngsters are throwing rubbish into the sea, with many dead fishes floating on the surface. What is conveyed in the picture is both realistic and thought-provoking.

  The implied meaning of the given picture can be elaborated in terms of environmental protection and public manners. On the one hand, along with the development of the economy and society, people tend to attach great importance to personal and economic interests, ignoring ecological balance. As a consequence, environment has been polluted so seriously that environmental protection should be put on the agenda immediately. On the other hand, the inappropriate public manners such as littering and spitting are also one of the major factors causing environmental problems. If we let it go as it is, the nature will take revenge on human being sooner or later.

  To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must promote and popularize the sense of environmental protection. For one thing, laws and regulations should be issued to change the practice of sacrificing long-term environmental health for short-term rapid economic development. For another, some educational campaign should be launched among the public, especially the young, to raise the awareness of public morality. Only in these ways can we achieve sustainable development and live in a harmonious society.

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